Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Never Stop Dreaming

Balm of Gilead

I sit around and think a lot these days; it is part old age and part pensiveness; regardless my thinking leads to dreams and over time, many of my dreams become a reality.

I have always had a project or two in the boiler; we knew we were going to build this motel lodge many years ago; we just needed to finish to Family Life Center first. Today they are digging the footings for the motel, and digging in water lines. I can get started thinking about the next project!

The next project won't be a building but a program; a counselling center. A place where our churches can send couples, singles, families, young, old, and in between to get some long term counselling. It is our desire to provide such a place as this at the camp. We would create a centrally located counselling center that would be open and available to those who are hurting or whose lives are being ripped apart by divorce, infidelity, or death. We want to provide the BALM that helps heal the wounds and make well the sick.

I received a envelope yesterday from a family friend who lives out west; in it, he and his wife announce a new ministry they have just started to minister to those who had gone through an abusive situation as a child. My friend then went on and told how as a young boy, he was molested by an uncle.... and for 40 years, my friend kept this secret to himself. What so surprised me is that this friend, lived a Ozzie and Harriet type of life; went to church 3 times a week, had a mom who stayed home and cared for the children, had supper at 5:30 every night with the family.... and yet he was tormented by this Uncle... and tormented throughout the first 30 years of his married life.... as he wrestled with the doubts and questions about his youth.

At times, I want to bury my head in the sand and not listen or look around me; but I am afraid there are way too many people who need a dose of balm somewhere in their life or in their families lives. We see it at camp as children come and open up to their counselors about the struggles and hurts they are experiencing as a 10 year old. We see it in families who attend family camp as a last ditch effort to keep the family together. We hear stories of men at men's retreats who are one step away from walking away from their families.

We will start slow by having someone here part time; as the motel is finished, we will be able to offer long term housing for those who need extra time with the counselor. Eventually, I could see providing space separated from central camp for this ministry.

Do you see the need around you like I do? Write me and tell me if you think this is a needed ministry. I need to hear from you about how you see this counselling center working.


Anonymous said...

Hey, Earl!

I'm totally for the idea of a counseling center.

H.A. camp this year was counseling experience for me. I have to admit, before coming to T-3 the first week of the summer, I was really mad at God. I'm not open to sharing why, but I needed to forgive myself and God for things that are in the past. The night Grant Chamberlin did the "Rag-man" skit, I realized that God is willing to take all my burdens as soon as I handed them over to Him. I laid my burdens down at the cross that night. The second week was a great renewal time for me, in getting prepared to face issues back at home.

Thank you for your ministry through camp, and for all the hard work you and your staff put into it every year.

Katherine Bowman said...

I've heard that the poorest person isn't the one without a nickel, it's the one without a dream!
So true!
