Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Appointments to Miracles

We held our annual Spring Fling yesterday for our seniors; John Eilers from the Indianola Free Church spoke to the 40+ folks who made the trip to camp. What a wonderful day together with old friends of the camp!!

John shared his testimony of how he came to know the Lord; he was in his late 30's when he accepted Christ; he had lived an unfulfilled life up to that point... a life with alcohol that clouded his perspective and brought heartache to his life. But what a transformation when Christ got a hold of him. From a pagan to a preacher. From a life without purpose, to a spirit led life. A new creation.

In the afternoon session, John shared from his book about appointments to miracles; short stories of people and opportunities that he used to share his faith. John said, "I am a chiropractor that loves to share about Jesus!" He saw and took every encounter as a divine appointment to share his faith.

I missed one last week; I was standing in Walmart in Independence Iowa picking up a trout stamp and turkey license. An older gentlemen approached me and said, "I bet I have done something you haven't done; I was nearly blown up in Sioux City, at a local grain elevator. Five guys were killed, and I was the only one who survived." All I could say was, "You should thank the Lord for your life." He was 70+ years old... and may never hear the gospel message, and I blew it. Lord help me to see opportunities as appointments to share all that the Lord has done for me.

Divine appointments: are we praying for them or avoiding them? Do we see everybody we come into contact with as a potential hearer of the Word? At the end of our lives are we going to have a trophy room of junk or a room full of testimonies from people that we shared our faith with?

Pray for the summer staff that they too take advantage of every possible opening to share their faith with each camper.

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