Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Capture the Flag- It must be Wednesday night

There is no other activity that we play at camp like capture the flag; and always on Wednesday; campers and staff would rather not eat for the day than miss capture the flag. All day long, there is a quiet buzz around camp; it starts with a bandanna around the head in the morning; and by supper time, it looks like we have a full blown war on our hands; camouflage, face paint, special hats... counselors come to camp with particular clothing and makeup packed just for this one night of fun.

I don't understand the game; I think there is a flag involved; I think there are couple teams chasing through the timber looking for each other's flag; I think each team can capture members of the other team. I know they get into lots of poison ivy, they get lots of scratches and bruises and bumps; and I know the kids love it.

Actually, I don't think all staff and campers are as equally excited about the game; I am almost certain there are a few die hard players; you can see it in their preparation; excessive camo, face paint, and packs are all necessary gear. There are others who get excited about the game, because it's what you are supposed to do; and others, they tag along for the social networking of the evening. It gives them a little time to hang with a few friends.
There have been other activities that have come and gone or at least only gets play sporadically. It appears to me for the boys, it gives them a taste of what it is like to be a soldier. For the girls... I have no idea why a dainty, pretty young lady would like such a game.
It is good that camp has certain traditions; each generation of campers has the same type of experience while at Hidden Acres. It is the type of experience that former camper parents will tell their children; "When you go to camp... you will play capture the flag or you will eat one of the camps famous chocolate chip cookies or a sticky cinnamon bun."
I don't want certain things to change at camp; I want the camp to hold on tightly to certain activities; capture the flag has been going on for 21 years; cookies for 18 years; cinnamon buns for 22 years. The sound preaching of the gospel of Jesus Christ.... since the beginning... 29 years.
Sound Biblical teaching and preaching goes beyond what is fun or tasty; it is essential to everything we do.
I don't like mixing other parts to the gospel either; I have to guard against the evil one trying to slip in something through the counselors; something they think might be innocent; something like a Harry Potter, or a yoga meditation: for many young Christians, everything can be mixed in with Biblical truth and still come out pure and sound. It won't get easier either. I see many compromises in the under 30 crowd; they are the same ones falling for the smooth talk of Obama, without understanding what he really stands for. They are so easily deceived; they lack a discerning spirit to know and understand what is best for them; and consequently settle for a luke-warm type of Christianity that lacks power and fervency.
Traditions: carpet ball, capture the flag, cookies and the life changing gospel of Jesus Christ: God's Word. Pray with me that I can be an influence on these young people with a loving spirit and a kind word.

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